
Washerman’s Dog is a blog dedicated to celebrating music.  While the blog is a new addition to the WordPress community it has been on another platform for nearly 3 years.  Over that time the Washerman’s Dog has grown up and the vision has become more refined.  Until recently, we shared a lot of music from South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and the Maldives) along with music from all other corners of the world. And if you have a particular interest in South Asian/sub-continental music (of all varieties) then please check out my other blog Harmonium Music.  I’ll not be posting South Asian music on Washerman’s Dog from now on. But if you’re interested in all other sorts of music from the West Coast to West Africa and North Dakota to North Korea, then this is the place to be.  The original Washerman’s Dog blog can be accessed here. If you’re new, you can browse through the archives to get an idea of where this blog is coming from. NOTE: Media Fire excommunicated me late in 2012 so almost all links from the beginning to January 2013 are dead. There is no way I can re-link all of these, but I am happy to take individual requests for specific links. I’ll do my best! If you’re interested in who the Washerman’s Dog is in the non-virtual world then  do not check out this link which is dead.

I am an aid worker by day (currently working out of Kuala Lumpur) but grew up in India and have an abiding case of itchy feet. Though as my children grow up the itchiness is far less bothersome and in fact, I wish I could stop this sort of peripatetic existence.  I’ve written a couple of novels (got one published even) and write a weekly column for an online magazine in India.

24 thoughts on “About

    1. Mr Harmonium Post author

      Hi Ant,
      will do so…but may take a bit of time.
      in the meantime, you might want to click on the original blog site (washermans dog on Blogspot) to see what is there.

  1. Ant

    Yep, thanks! I’ve just come from there briefly when I saw that you were starting something new. I found 1 release (thanks!) and will go back and dig for more DB as well as the other countless treasures.

      1. adamf2011

        The link to Harmonium Music in the first paragraph above — when I click on it I get a “file or directory not found” error.

      2. Mr Harmonium Post author

        ok thanks for the heads up. I used to maintain a website but have let it lapse. but I’ve refreshed the link to my other blog. Cheers.

  2. Colin Lazzerini

    Thank you, dear Mr Harmonium, for sharing the groove contagion.
    I just found you, stumbled in from the desert, water to a needy man.
    Love your magical surprise mix-tapes – the discrimination is so…… dependable!!
    A man could be happy in Melbourne.

  3. Colin Lazzerini

    Dearest Mr Harmonium, this here greedy bugger would greatly appreciate, nay- gravely appreciate, getting a second chance to download your old Grant Green sampler and the Modern Clarinet Classics. (I missed the first opportunity completely – must have been sleeping)

    Deepest thanks from a shallow man

  4. finvarra2534

    Mr H

    I just discovered your wonderful blog… but it seems that most of the adrive links from last year are defunct. I would love to hear some of those great mixes. Right now, the Celebrations: 100 Fine American Songs in Three Volumes would top my list.

    Thanks so much for your hard work (and great taste).


    1. Mr Harmonium Post author

      Hi Michaal,
      thanks and glad you discovered the Dog. I am disappointed with A Drive that they seem to die after a few months. I generally am shying away from re upping as it does take a while from a very busy life but i’ve got a few days free next week, let me know a few and I’ll try to get to them.
      Mr Harmonium


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